Parents/guardians must arrange transportation for campers to and from camp. Camp Atwater will provide, for a fee, service to campers from specific terminal points to the camp. (The Camp does not provide transportation to parents/guardians to or from the transportation center.) The transportation fee must be paid in advance, and we must receive all arrival and departure information at least 7 days prior to departure dates. Fees represent round-trip fares for campers. Transportation for campers is provided by the following:
From Boston: Route 90 West (Mass. Pike) to Exit 9 (Sturbridge). After toll booth, take Exit 3A, which will put you on Route 20 East. Route 20 East to Route 49 North, left turn onto Route 49 North. At the end of Route 49, left turn onto Route 9 West – travel one half mile and make a right turn onto Harrington Street. Follow the road to the end. Take a left onto Shore Road. Camp Atwater will be 1/2 mile on the left; enter thru the second entrance, and park next to the tennis courts.
Route 90 East (Mass. Pike) to Exit 9 (Sturbridge). After toll booth, take Exit 3A, which will put you on Route 20 East. Route 20 East to Route 49 North, left turn onto Route 49 North. At the end of Route 49, left turn onto Route 9 West-travel one half mile and make a right turn onto Harrington Street. Follow the road to the end. Take a left onto Shore Road. Camp Atwater will be 1/2 mile on the left; enter thru the second entrance, and park next to the tennis courts.
Route 95 North to 91 North to Route 84 East Take 84 East into Massachusetts. Once you cross, the Massachusetts line, take Exit 3A which will put you on Route 20 East. Route 20 East to Route 49 North, left turn on Route 49 North. At the end of Route 49, left turn onto Route 9 West-travel one half mile and make a right turn onto Harrington Street. Follow the road to the end. Take a left onto Shore Road. Camp Atwater will be 1/2 mile on the left;enter thru the second entrance, and park next to the tennis courts.
Route 90 East (Mass. Pike) to Exit 9 (Sturbridge). After toll booth, take Exit 3A, which will put you on Route 20 East. Route 20 East to Route 49 North, left turn on Route 49 North. At the end of Route 49, left turn onto Route 9 West – travel one-half mile and make a right turn onto Harrington Street. Follow the road to the end. Take a left onto Shore Road. Camp Atwater will be 1/2 mile on the left; enter thru the second enrtrance, and park next to the tennis courts.
By Car:
Check-in/Departure Times
Between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on scheduled day of arrival or departure.
MapQuest Link – Plot your driving directions by selecting “Directions From”
By Train: From New York and points south-Take the train to Worcester.
By Bus: From New York and points south-Take the bus to Worcester,MA.
From Boston- take the bus to Worcester, MA.
Round-trip Fares $100:
Bradley International Airport
Worcester Bus Terminal
Springfield Bus Station
Springfield R.R. Station (Amtrak)
If lost, call the camp telephone number: Camp Atwater (508) 867-6916