Frequently Asked Questions.
We serve ages 8-15 for each boy and girl season.
The ratio for counselors to campers is one staff for every eight campers, 8-9 years old; one staff for every ten campers 10-15 years old.
Bathroom facilities are located no more than 40 yards from any sleeping cabin. Bathroom facilities are bathhouses that include individual showers, toilet stalls and wash basins. Maintenance staff maintains the facilities for cleanliness and repair around the clock.
Campers are usually transported by camp vans which are leased vehicles for the summer. They are inspected by qualified mechanics and maintained by the camp driver. Other modes of transportation for large group field trips are buses that are contracted from established commercial bus companies. Occasionally staff cars are used to transport campers, particularly if there is an urgent need. Camp drivers are 25 years or older.
Campers sleep in wood structure cabins equipped with electricity, bunk beds and individual rooms for two counselors. Cabin sizes accommodate anywhere from a minimum of 12 campers to a maximum of 20.
Yes, there will be virtual parent information sessions in April and May.
Among the counseling staff, 80% are 18 years of age or older. Our senior counselors are college students, and our junior counselors are at least 17 years old and usually high school seniors or graduating seniors. Any counselor under 18 years old will be at least two years older than any camper they supervise.
Boys’: June 30 - July 13 ($3,200)
Girls’: July 14 - July 27 ($3,200)
The registration fee is $175 and can be made online via our website. Register Here!
Yes, once you start your online application will be an option where you can indicate if you need travel support. We have young people and staff from all over the country so we have a strong and safe system for transporting young people to and from the camp.
Yes, the first Sunday of every session is visiting day from 9-5.
Yes, Camp Atwater has been around since 1921, the oldest owned and operating Black Camp in the country, and has a rich legacy from people all over the country attending the camp.
Yes, we have a nurse on the campgrounds as well as a Camp Doctor on call 24 hours.